About Barter + Valantis
Barter Swap is one of the top Solvers across several OFAs. Barter has been a close design partner for the HOT-AMM and is one of the earliest integrators.
Valantis is a protocol for deploying highly custom Decentralized Exchange pools using a modular smart-contract framework. Valantis empowers networks of Solvers, Market Makers, and DeFi protocols with bespoke solutions in a changing on chain economy.
Today's DEXes are walled gardens. Their inflexibility creates fragmentation. DeFi is constrained into one-size-fits-all liquidity venues.
Valantis was born to recover the full design space of Decentralized Exchanges using a hyper-flexible framework, reusable code components, transferable security, and programmable interoperability layers for shared liquidity.
Valantis is the most flexible DEX to date.
Valantis brings the entire design space of DEXes under a single protocol focused on solving liquidity fragmentation and traditional cold-start problems with launching production grade Decentralized Exchanges.
Building a new DEX on Valantis requires less code, less audit costs, less time, and maintains maximum flexibility.
Valantis is structured around reusable and composable modules.
Hybrid Order Type (HOT) is the first Modular DEX built on Valantis, co-designed by Valantis Labs and Arrakis Finance.
HOT AMM is dual execution DEX for capturing intent centric order flow through the Valantis Intents API & the Arrakis Quoter Service. Simultaneously, HOT exposes a novel AMM for onchain native swaps, using arbitrage-mitigating dynamic fees and intent based rebalancing.
Arrakis HOT Vaults will open for deposits soon.
Valantis HOT API is actively quoting volume to integrated Solvers, please reach out if you want to integrate HOT Liquidity as a Solver.
AMM swaps are permissionless and open.
HOT AMM LP deposits will open via the Arrakis HOT Vaults this Summer.
Valantis Protocol will launch this Summer for fully permissionless pool deployments.
If you are interested in building with us, email us at, DM us on twitter, or join the community on Telegram.